Renting gear
To request gear for rental, select the gear you would like to rent below (images are only suggestive of the type of item, not exact model) and proceed to checkout (no payment method is required as you only request the gear at this point). Afterwards, we will reach out to you to regarding the payment information and to confirm your booking. Camping gear is very popular during spring and summer so try to book your gear in advance.

All proceeds go towards the KTH Outdoor Club and it helps us purchase additional gear as well as fund events. KTH OC members have a 50% discount on rentals and renting gear for organized Outdoor Club events is free. Specify that you are an Outdoor Club member during the checkout process to get the discount. The discount will be applied when we send you the payment information.

Rental periods (Limited availability during summer months)
You can book rental gear in weekly intervals (The prices below are given per week). The renting period is always from Thursday to Thursday. The gear pick-up and return will also take place on these days at our gear storage close to Mörby Centrum.

If you need to reach the gear rental, please email:

Gear Rental Policy